paul james blinds

Expert Advice on Extending the Lifespan of Your Blinds

Blinds are an essential aspect of any home, providing privacy, insulation, and light control. However, blinds are not immune to wear and tear, and they can deteriorate over time. As a homeowner, you can extend the life of your blinds and save money in the long run by following some simple tips and tricks.

Regular cleaning

Regular cleaning is essential to maintain the appearance and functionality of your blinds. Dirt, dust, and grime can accumulate on your blinds, causing them to deteriorate faster. Clean your blinds once a week using a soft cloth or a duster. For deeper cleaning, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment.

Avoid harsh chemicals

Avoid using harsh chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, or any abrasive cleaner on your blinds. These chemicals can damage the material of your blinds, causing them to fade, crack, or even break. Instead, use mild soap and water to clean your blinds.

Use proper handling techniques

When opening and closing your blinds, use proper handling techniques. Avoid pulling on the cords or slats as this can cause damage to the mechanism of the blinds. Instead, use the wand or tilt mechanism to open and close your blinds.

Adjust the blinds properly

Adjusting the blinds properly can also help extend their life. Avoid overextending the blinds, as this can cause the slats to warp or break. Similarly, avoid leaving the blinds closed for extended periods, as this can cause the slats to stick together or become misaligned.

Protect the blinds from the sun

UV rays from the sun can cause your blinds to fade and deteriorate over time. Protect your blinds from direct sunlight by installing curtains or shades that can block the sun’s rays. Alternatively, you can use blinds made from UV-resistant materials that can withstand exposure to sunlight.

Repair damages promptly

If you notice any damages to your blinds, such as broken slats or cords, repair them promptly. Ignoring damages can cause them to worsen, making repairs more expensive or even requiring the replacement of the blinds.

By following the tips outlined above, you can extend the life of your blinds and keep them looking like new ones for longer. Regular cleaning and proper handling techniques go a long way in ensuring your blinds last as long as possible.

how to protect against sun discolouring

Blinds are a common feature of windows in many homes and offices, and they are used to provide privacy, light control, and decoration. However, exposure to sunlight can cause some blinds to fade and become discoloured over time. Fortunately, there are several ways to protect your blinds against sun discolouration:

Choose the right materials

When selecting blinds, choose materials that are resistant to fading and discolouration from sunlight. Some materials, such as PVC or aluminium, are naturally resistant to fading and are a good choice for areas with high levels of sunlight exposure.

Install window film

Window film is an effective way to protect your blinds from sun discolouration. The film blocks UV rays from the sun, which can cause your blinds to fade and discolour over time. The film is easy to install and can be found at most home improvement stores.

Use curtains or shades

Curtains or shades can also help protect your blinds from sun discolouration. When drawn, curtains or shades can block sunlight from entering the room and directly hitting your blinds. This helps to reduce the amount of UV radiation that your blinds are exposed to, thus prolonging their life.

Use blinds in a closed position

Another effective way to protect your blinds from sun discolouration is to keep them closed when not in use. This will reduce the amount of sunlight that your blinds are exposed to, thus slowing down the fading process.

Use a top-down/bottom-up feature

Many blinds come with a top-down/bottom-up feature, which allows you to adjust the blinds from the top or the bottom. This feature is useful for controlling the amount of sunlight that enters the room and can help reduce the amount of UV radiation that your blinds are exposed to.

Overall, blinds are a must-have in any home and with the right upkeep, they can last for years. Just think of how much you could save if you simply kept up on some essential maintenance tips such as regular cleaning, avoiding harsh chemicals, using proper handling techniques when adjusting them, protecting them from direct sunlight exposure and repairing damages straight away! With these practices your blinds will be in good shape to stay around longer – so don’t forget ’em!

For more information on blinds, please visit Paul James Blinds in Suffolk. They are experts when it comes to blinds and has a wide range of styles, materials and products to choose from. With their help, you can make sure your blinds not only look great but last longer as well.

White office blinds

What are the Best Blinds for an Office?

White office blinds


When it comes to decorating an office, window treatments can be just as important as the furniture and décor. Blinds are a popular choice for offices because they offer privacy, light control, and a sleek, professional look. But with so many different types of blinds to choose from, how do you know which ones are the best for your office? In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most popular options and help you determine which blinds are right for your workspace.


Vertical blinds


Vertical blinds are a classic choice for office windows. They’re easy to clean and maintain, and they offer excellent light control. Because they’re available in a wide range of colors and materials, you can easily find a set that matches your office’s décor. One advantage of vertical blinds is that they can be adjusted to let in more or less light, depending on your needs. This makes them a versatile choice for offices that require different levels of light at different times of the day.


Roller blinds


Roller blinds are another popular option for offices. They’re simple and sleek, and they’re available in a wide range of colors and materials. Because they roll up and down, they’re easy to use and can be adjusted to let in just the right amount of light. Roller blinds are also great for privacy, as they completely cover the window when they’re closed. This makes them a good choice for offices that require confidentiality or that are located on busy streets or in high-rise buildings.


Venetian blinds


Venetian blinds are a timeless choice for office windows. They offer excellent light control and can be adjusted to let in just the right amount of light. They’re also available in a wide range of colors and materials, so you can easily find a set that matches your office’s décor. Because they’re made of slats that can be angled, they’re also a great choice for privacy. By angling the slats, you can block the view from outside while still allowing light to enter the room.


Roman blinds


Roman blinds are a stylish choice for offices that want to add a touch of elegance to their décor. They’re available in a wide range of fabrics, including linen, cotton, and silk, so you can choose a set that complements your office’s style. Because they’re made of fabric, they offer excellent light control and can be adjusted to let in just the right amount of light. Roman blinds are also great for privacy, as they completely cover the window when they’re closed.


Smart blinds


Finally, if you want to take your office’s window treatments to the next level, consider investing in smart blinds. These are blinds that can be controlled via a mobile app or voice assistant, allowing you to adjust the level of light and privacy with just a few taps or voice commands. Smart blinds are also energy-efficient, as they can be set to open and close based on the time of day or the amount of sunlight in the room. While they may be a bit more expensive than traditional blinds, they offer a level of convenience and automation that can be worth the investment.


In conclusion, there are many different types of blinds that are suitable for an office. The best choice for you will depend on your office’s style, privacy needs, and light control requirements. By considering the options above, you can find a set of blinds that will make your office look and feel great.


Large silver blinds in large room with laminated flooring

Will Closing Blinds Keep the Heat out?

During the hot summer months, many people try to keep their homes cool by closing their blinds or shades. The idea is that by blocking out the sun’s rays, they can reduce the amount of heat that enters their home. But does closing blinds really help to keep the heat out? In this blog post, we’ll explore the science behind this popular method of staying cool.


The short answer is yes, closing your blinds can help to keep the heat out of your home. When sunlight enters your home through windows, it heats up the air and surfaces inside. By blocking out the sun’s rays, you can prevent some of this heat from entering your home in the first place.


However, the effectiveness of this method depends on a few factors. First, the type of blinds or shades you have can make a big difference. Thick, insulating blinds such as Paul James Blinds’ very own blackout blinds are the most effective at blocking out heat. They can reduce the amount of heat entering a room by up to 45%, according to the Department of Energy.


Second, the orientation of your windows can also impact how much heat enters your home. East- and west-facing windows receive the most direct sunlight and heat during the day, so closing blinds or shades on these windows can be particularly effective. South-facing windows also receive direct sunlight, but usually at a lower angle, so the impact may not be as significant.


Finally, the amount of insulation in your home also plays a role. If your home is well-insulated, closing blinds or shades can be a very effective way to keep the heat out. However, if your home has poor insulation, the heat may still find its way in through cracks, leaks, or other openings.


It’s also important to note that closing blinds or shades can have other benefits besides reducing heat. They can also provide privacy, reduce glare, and protect furniture and flooring from fading due to UV rays.


In conclusion, closing your blinds or shades can indeed help to keep the heat out of your home, especially if you have thick, insulating blinds and windows that receive direct sunlight. However, it’s just one of many strategies you can use to stay cool during the summer months. Other methods, such as using a fan or air conditioning, keeping windows and doors closed during the hottest part of the day, and using energy-efficient appliances can also help to reduce heat and keep your home comfortable.

Large silver blinds in large room with laminated flooring
Blinds For Home - Paul James Blinds

The Types of Blinds and How to Choose Yours

There are so many different types of blinds on the market that it can be difficult to know where to begin shopping for them. Let the Paul James Blinds experts guide you through your selection, right now.

Blinds shopping is baffling to the outsider. If you do it right, though, you could find you don’t need to do it again for years to come. Below, you will find a list of the different types of blinds and advice about which kind will suit you. Blinds shopping this coming season? Read this first.

The Types of Binds

Let’s begin with reviewing what types of blinds there are. See below for a description of which each type of blinds is like.

The types of blinds include:

What Each Type of Blinds Looks Like

What do these blinds look like? Here is a short description of each type of blinds to help you shop for a product which meets your needs.

Blackout Blinds

Blackout Blinds or shades are a term we use to describe blinds that black out the light. Best used in home offices or where you view screens, a blackout blind could be a Roman Blackout, a Roller blackout, or a blackout panel blind. The only requirement is that they block out the light.

Duette Blinds

Duette blinds are best used by those concerned for energy efficiency. They have a honeycomb design which traps air between the layers much like how your double glazing traps air between two layers. This leads to less heat transference and lower energy bills.

Panel Blinds

Panel blinds are usually large panes of fabric which are ideal for covering large areas of window. They slide across on rails made for panels, making it easy for you to control the amount of light in the room. We advise large windows use panel blinds.

Pleated Blinds

A pleated blind is an interwoven blind which uses two strips of fabric to cover your window. They can be blackout since they do not let light in through slats.

Roller Blinds

Roller blinds attach to the top of the window frame alcove. They operate using a section of plastic beading which winds around the pulley on the end of the blind. You pull the cord one way and it rolls down, pull it the other way and it rolls back up.

Roman Blinds

Invented or stolen by the Romans, these blinds operate using a cord which connects to parts of the blind below. The blind raises in panelled sections.

Perfect Fit Blinds

Perfect Fit blinds are a reasonably new addition to types of blinds. They are made to measure for your windows, clicking into place alongside the frame and fitting as perfectly as you can get. You may need to have these made to order.

Venetian Blinds

A Venetian blind comes from Venice, whose traders stole it from the Persians. These blinds operate similarly to Roman blinds, but they do not fold in panels. They fold in slats.

Vision Blinds

Vision blinds have two layers of fabric and you can choose whether to use one or both. Using one, you can see outside but the light is softer. Using two, you have the same coverage as a thick blind.

Shop Online for New Blinds in North Essex

Need new blinds of any type? Paul James Blinds are here to outfit your home with high quality blinds that stand the test of time. Call today to discuss your options at any of our local branches.

Wooden Table in Front of Wooden Blinds

How to Clean Wooden Blinds

How to Clean Wooden Blinds - Paul James Blinds

Cleaning wooden blinds can be a bit of a challenge, but with the right techniques and materials, it’s definitely doable! Here are some tips on how to clean your wooden blinds:

1.Start by dusting the blinds with a microfiber cloth or duster. This will help remove any surface dirt or dust that has accumulated on the blinds.

2.Next, use a mild soap and water solution to clean the blinds. You can either use a sponge or cloth to do this. Just be sure to rinse the blinds well afterwards so that no soap residue is left behind.

3.If the blinds are still looking dirty, you can try using a vinegar and water solution. This is a natural way to clean and disinfect the blinds. Just be sure to rinse the blinds well afterwards so that no vinegar residue is left behind.

4.Once the blinds are clean, you can vacuum them with the brush attachment to remove any remaining dirt or dust.

5.Finally, polish the blinds with a clean microfiber cloth to restore their shine. It is vitally important to ensure that you employ the use of the correct type of microfiber cloth when cleaning, so as not to damage your blinds.

With these tips, you’ll have your wooden blinds looking clean and polished in no time!

vertical blinds

How to clean Vertical blinds

How to clean Vertical blinds - Paul James BlindsHow to clean Vertical blinds - Paul James Blinds



Vertical blinds are a great addition to any home, but they can be tricky to clean Here are some tips on how to clean your vertical blinds so they look their best:

  1. Vacuum the blinds first to remove any dust or dirt.
  2. Use a microfiber cloth or duster to gently wipe down the blades of the blinds.
  3. Dip a clean cloth into a mixture of mild soap and water and use it to wipe down each blade of the blinds.
  4. Rinse the blades with clean water and dry them with a towel.
  5. If there are any stubborn stains, you can use a toothbrush dipped in soapy water to scrub them away.
  6. Once the blades are clean, vacuum the tracks of the blinds to remove any dust or dirt.
  7. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the tracks and remove any build-up.
  8. Dry the tracks with a towel before putting the blinds back in place.


A Step by Step Guide to Cleaning Vertical Blinds: 

  1. Start by dusting your blinds with a soft cloth or brush. This will help remove any surface dirt or debris.
  2. Next, you’ll need to clean the slats themselves. The best way to do this is to use a microfiber cloth and a mild cleaning solution. Simply dampen the cloth and run it along each slat.
  3. Once you’ve cleaned the slats, you can move on to the tracks. Again, use a microfiber cloth and a mild cleaning solution. Wipe down the tracks until they’re free of dirt and grime.
  4. Finally, you’ll need to clean the valance (the horizontal bar at the top of the blinds). The best way to do this is to use a vacuum with a soft brush attachment. Gently run the brush over the valance to remove any dust or debris.


Alternative ways of cleaning vertical blinds: 

  1. Use an electrostatic dusting cloth
  2. Use a dryer sheet
  3. Use a lint roller
  4. Use a vacuum with a soft brush attachment
  5. Use a microfiber cloth and a mild cleaning solution.


Additional tips:

  1. If your blinds are extremely dirty, you may need to soak them in a tub of warm water and mild detergent.
  2. Be sure to rinse the blinds thoroughly after soaking to remove any soap residue.
  3. Never use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning products on your blinds, as this could damage them.
  4. If your blinds have been damaged by fire, smoke, or water, it’s best to call a professional for cleaning.


That’s it! Now you know how to clean vertical blinds. Just follow these simple steps and your blinds will look good as new.

Woman cleaning Windows with a Sponge

How to Clean Venetian Blinds

Venetian blinds are a popular window treatment choice, as they provide both privacy and light control in your home. However, these beautiful blinds can require some regular TLC in order to keep them looking clean and fresh.

To clean Venetian blinds effectively, start by removing any dust or dirt from the surface of the louvre and then move on to cleaning the Venetian blinds cords. After the Venetian blinds are dust-free and the cords are clean, finish up by wiping down each individual slat.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean Venetian blinds:

Step 1: Remove Dust and Dirt from the surface of each slat and move on to cleaning the Venetian blinds cords.

Start by using a feather duster or vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove any dust or dirt from the surface of each slat. Be sure to clean both the front and back of the slats. If your Venetian blinds are particularly dirty, you may need to use a damp cloth to get rid of any stuck-on grime.

Step 2: Clean the Venetian blinds cords. In addition to the slats, Venetian blinds also have cords that run along the length of each individual blind. To clean these cords, you can use a damp cloth or soft-bristled brush dipped in warm soapy water to remove any dirt build up . Make sure you don’t get the cords too wet, as they could warp or break.

Step 3: Dry and rehang your Venetian blinds. Once your Venetian blinds are clean, allow them to air dry completely before hanging them up again. To avoid damage, it’s best to use a soft cloth or paper towel to dry the surface of the blinds rather than a rough towel.

And that’s it! With just a few simple steps you can have your Venetian blinds looking as good as new. Regular cleaning will help to prolong the life of your blinds and keep them in top condition.

paul james blinds

How to Choose the Best Blinds for Large Windows

Large windows can make for a light, airy and attractive home. However, when it comes to finding the right coverings or dressing for them, you may find it difficult. Under most circumstances, larger windows will likely require made-to-measure blinds and special consideration. What may be appropriate for a standard window may not be practical for large ones. Let’s take a look at some of the things you should consider when choosing the best blinds for your large windows.


Larger windows mean that more material will be needed to cover the area and, inevitably, this results in a weightier window covering. This can make some types of blind impractical as the extra weight will put the mechanisms under too much strain. For example, the heavy swathes of fabric used in Roman blinds make them a poor choice for large windows; wooden blinds for wide windows are also not the best choice as the slats will begin to bow under their weight.

Choose a lightweight option to ensure suitability for your large windows. Vertical blinds are some of the best blinds for large windows and there are many choices of fabric for the slats, including translucent or opaque options. Panel blinds are also ideal for long windows, providing great shading but without excessive, weighty fabric.

blinds for large windows


One of the most common instances of large panes of glass is in patio or bi-fold doors which require covering. In these cases, you must choose a blind which won’t obstruct the movement of these doors. Vertical blinds can be a good choice here as they can be retracted horizontally, allowing the slats to be completely folded back and kept out of the doorway when needed.

Alternatively, perfect-fit blinds are a good choice if ease of movement is a key concern as these can be fitted directly to the window frames. This means that the door can move unobstructed by the blinds, even when they are closed.  


For big windows, you may want to consider motorisation instead of a traditional opening mechanism. This can be particularly useful if you have tall and hard-to-reach windows where normal mechanisms would have to be adapted significantly under the circumstances anyway. Motorised blinds will require less effort and be easier to operate in comparison to a standard pulley or wand mechanism.

Motorisation can provide valuable security benefits too. The blinds can be programmed to close at particular times to keep out excessive sunlight or prying eyes. What’s more, the system can be operated by an app, allowing you to close your blinds even when you’re away from home. Both these features can help give the impression that there is someone in your home and deter intruders.

Thermal control

Big windows can contribute to big temperature fluctuations in a room – such as in conservatories. The uncovered glass can cause the room to heat up excessively in the sun and lose internal heat in the winter months. To mitigate these effects, you should consider blinds with insulating properties. Honeycomb-shaped blinds – such as Duette blinds – can be a great solution as their structure provides insulating air pockets which enhance thermal control.

Light control

To make the most of your large feature windows, you will want to make sure, even with blinds, that you can still harness the amount of natural light and expansive views that they allow. Blinds with rotating slats are a great option here as they allow you maximum control over the amount of light admitted into your home. What’s more, they can enhance privacy by blocking the line of sight into your home, without blocking out the admittance of daylight. Vertical blinds or lightweight Venetian blinds can both achieve this.


Paul James Blinds provide customers with an impressive range of high-quality blinds suitable for large windows. Our years of experience and skilled team mean that we are well-equipped to create bespoke blinds for any room or home – even for windows that are large or unusually shaped. Get in touch with our helpful team to discuss your requirements and see how we can help. We offer our high-standard services throughout Colchester, Sudbury, Braintree and Bury St Edmunds.  



Luxafex Blinds - Paul James Blinds

What blinds are best for my child’s room?

A child’s room should be fun and stimulating so that it is somewhere they enjoy to spend time and play. When decorating the room accordingly, you will want to give due consideration to which blinds are best for children’s rooms. There are plenty of options when it comes to styles and patterns that would look lovely as children’s blinds. However, there are several points for consideration when deciding upon a blind’s suitability, which we will be looking at in this article.

Blind Safety

When designing a child’s room, their safety should be the main concern. Some blind operating mechanisms – those that are opened via a cord or chain – can be a safety hazard for young children. Looped cords pose a strangulation risk to young children and should therefore be avoided in a child’s room.

Luckily, there are many alternatives to the common loop cord mechanism. Wand operated, hand operated or electric blinds are all perfectly safe options for a child’s room. However, if you have decided upon a cord/chain loop blind, you can improve its safety with features like loop breakers, cord tensioners or cleats. In fact, due to new safety legislation, loop cord blinds can’t be legally installed by a professional now without one of these safety features present.

Aiding restful sleep with light control

Every parent knows the importance of your child getting a good night’s sleep, and blinds can help achieve this. Blackout blinds will ensure your child’s room is dark and tranquil at bed time, even in those light summer months! Being in a darkened environment can help encourage sleep and signal to your child it’s time for bed. The blackout function will help in the early hours too, ensuring that light mornings don’t wake your child and prevent them from getting an uninterrupted full night’s sleep.

Durable blinds

Sometimes kids can be unruly and incautious and so you will need blinds which are durable enough to meet this challenge. For example, as attractive as Venetian blinds are, a slat can be easily broken or damaged and so this style is probably best avoided for your child’s room. Roller blinds are a sturdy option and come in a range of patterns and materials, with useful fabric choices being wipeable or washable.

Exciting colours and patterns

When it comes to choosing the pattern and colours of the blind, the range offered by a good blind retailer – such as Paul James Blinds – means you will be spoilt for choice. Seeing as the blind will be for your child’s room, why not let them help pick it? You can make it into a grown up and fun opportunity for them to help design their room. A lot of kids will jump at the chance to help make the room their own and get some input over such decisions.


Paul James Blinds offer an extensive choice of high quality blinds to their customers around the areas of Colchester, Sudbury, Braintree and Bury St Edmunds. Our skilled fitters can install numerous styles of blinds and shutters, creating a seamless, professional finish every time. For advice or further product information about blinds for children’s rooms from blind and shutter specialists, get in touch with our team today.




What are the best blinds for conservatories?

Choosing the best blinds for your conservatory isn’t just about looks; it’s about making the space work better and feel cosier. The right blinds can really bring out the best in your conservatory. Of course, everyone has their own style, but because conservatories have specific needs, some blinds are a better fit than others. Let’s dive into our guide to find the top blinds for conservatories, considering all the key factors.

Temperature control

A conservatory is a beautiful space that bridges the home and the outdoors. However, with its large glass panels, it’s susceptible to temperature fluctuations. During the summer months, conservatories can become uncomfortably warm, turning into veritable greenhouses. In contrast, the colder months can make them chilly retreats due to significant heat loss. To combat this, the right blinds can be game-changers.

Top Choice: Honeycomb pleated blinds. Their unique design, characterised by air pockets in a honeycomb shape, provides insulation, preventing excess heat in summers and retaining warmth during winters.

Sunlight control

One of the primary purposes of conservatories is to let in plenty of natural light. However, this can sometimes mean dealing with harsh, direct sunlight that can be damaging to interiors and uncomfortable for occupants. A fine balance is essential.

Top Choice: Vertical and Venetian blinds. Their rotatable slats allow sunlight diffusion without completely blocking light, ensuring the room remains bright without being overwhelmingly sunny.


Budget considerations are crucial for most homeowners. The total cost of outfitting your conservatory with blinds will be influenced by its size and the materials you choose. But remember, a cheaper price tag doesn’t always mean better value.

Most Economical: Roller and vertical blinds are usually the most budget-friendly. However, it’s essential to remember that the cheapest option might not always offer the best value in terms of durability and functionality.


Investing in blinds means expecting them to last, especially when they’re meant for a space as exposed as a conservatory. With intense sunlight being a constant, the blinds need to be resistant to fading and wear.

Top Choice: Vertical blinds and aluminium Venetians. Both are resilient against intense sunlight and have mechanisms that aren’t prone to trapping insects. Replacement slats are easily available for both in case of damage


For those living in more densely populated areas, conservatories can sometimes feel like a fishbowl. Having blinds that offer privacy without compromising the view is crucial.

Top Choice: Slatted blinds, such as vertical and Venetian, allow adjustable privacy. Fully closing the slats offers complete privacy, while they can also be fully retracted for an unhindered view.


Every conservatory is unique, and its architectural nuances can determine the type of blinds it can accommodate. The weight of the blinds, in particular, is a factor that shouldn’t be underestimated.

Top Choice: Lightweight options such as pleated blinds, vertical blinds, and aluminium Venetians are typically the best fit for conservatories, causing minimal stress to their structure.


About Paul James Blinds

For those in Colchester, Sudbury, Braintree, and Bury St Edmunds, Paul James Blinds offers a vast range of top-quality blinds in various styles and materials. Whether you have a specific design in mind or need expert guidance, our team can help craft the perfect blinds for your conservatory. Experience the benefits of our bespoke service and benefit from our free, no-obligation surveys. For more information or expert advice, do reach out to us.